I guarantee the final quality of legal or technical documents I translate in French. Insofar as they fall within my specialization fields, they will be proofread and edited by an expert in those areas.

For the revision/proofreading of texts translated into German or English, I use to work with other translators, English or German native speakers, who specialize in the relevant technical or legal field.


During editing, I optimized the translated text linguistically, stylistically and technically in my specialization fields.

This key step consists of reviewing the translation against the source text to ensure substantive consistency between the source and target texts.

This first review covers spelling, grammatical, typographical errors, nonsenses and style. Furthermore, such adaptation work focuses on the rendering of concepts without equivalents or “culture-bound terms”  in the target language-culture or legal system.

Thus, the text is reworked in its entirety so that the target reader can read it without difficulty.


The final step in the translation process is to proofread the target version produced. This second review is exclusively focused on spelling, grammar and typography.

You can also entrust me with the proofreading of your legal & RGPD documents written directly in the target language (German or English). Given my technical and linguistic expertise in these fields and my collaboration with other German and English-speaking translators who are also competent in these fields, I will be able to make it more idiomatic for your target readership. cible.